Policy Initiatives: Three Year Priorities


1. Vulnerable Road User Legislation

Protect VRUs with increased penalties for drivers who injure or kill a pedestrian, bicyclist, wheelchair user, or worker in the roadway.

2. Pass Georgia Yield legislation

Allowing bicyclists to proceed through a stop sign without coming to a full stop when it is safe to do so.

3. Enforcement of three-foot law

Ensure effective enforcement of the three-foot passing law, fostering a culture of safety and adherence.

4. Safe speeds on Georgia Roads

Simplify the process for local jurisdictions to lower speed limits. Update the state’s “85th-percentile” rule for speed-limit setting.


1. Complete streets approach

Increase number of communities implementing a complete streets approach (for example, complete streets policy, vision zero plan, local bike/ped coordinator, traffic-calming program, etc.).

2. Planning & development patterns

Increase community walkability and bikeability through the use of comprehensive plans, zoning codes, metropolitan transportation plans, and other local and regional mechanisms.

3. Infrastructure Funding

Work with cities and counties to dedicate local dollars and pursue federal and state match funding to build better bike/walk infrastructure.
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